Bobby Barnes is the Deputy Chief Executive of the PFA (Professional Footballers Association)
Category Archives: Star-Spots
Gerry Sutcliffe MP
Gerry Sutcliffe MP |
![]() Minister for Sport |
Martin Kallen
Martin Kallen is Chief Operating officer of the EURO 2008 SA.
Starspot Stuart McCall
[lang_en]Bradford City Manager Stuart McCall ex-Bradford City, Everton, Rangers & Scotland international[/lang_en]
Damir Pekic
William Gallas (Francais)
William Gallas (Francais) |
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William Gallas (English)
William Gallas (English) |
![]() Capitain de l’équipe d’Arsenal, membre de l’équipe de France. Champion d’Angleterre en 2005, 2006 avec Chelsea. Vainqueur de la coupe de ligue en 2005 ave Chelsea. Finaliste de la coupe du Monde en 2006 avec la France. |
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Grega Židan (Slovene)
Grega Židan |
Desno-krilni igralec je vsepovsod prinašalec uspeha. Osvojil je že toliko lovorik, da jih le še stežka šteje. Bil je tudi èlan slovenske in hrvaške nogometne reprezentance v èasu poosamosvojitvene zmede. Trenutno zaèenja svojo trenersko kariero. |
Grega Židan |
The right-wing player is a bearer of sucees. He won so many laurels, he hardly counts. He was a member of Slovenian and also Croatian national football team in the time of after-independence confusement. Now he is starting a coaching career. |
Zlatko Zahovic (Slovene)
[lang_en]One of the best Slovenian football players ever. On his wings the Slovenian national team rank among the best football teams world-wide. He is a national hero and an important Slovenian brand all around the globe.[/lang_en][lang_sl]Eden najbolših slovenskih nogometašev vseh èasov. Na njegov krilih se je slovenska nogometna reprezentanca lahko merila tudi z najboljšimi reprezentancami na svetu. V sloveniji velja za heroja in je tudi pomemben slovenski prepoznavni znak v svetu.[/lang_sl]
Ales Ceh (Slovene)
Aleš Ceh |
Kapetan slovenske nogometne reprezentance na svetovnem prvenstvu na Japonskem in v Koreji leta 2002. Trenutno igra za Beigrad Ljubljana. |
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Aleš Ceh |
Captain of the Slovenian national Squad in World Championship 2002. He played for the Austrian teams GAK und LASK, now he plays for Bezigrad Olympija Lubliana. |
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