„lassù c’era solo una galleria nel ghiaccio…“

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Stimmen aus den Schützengräben #10 deals with alpine warfare. The Alps are a natural barrier between the north of Europe and Italy. Their narrow passes and valleys have a great strategic relevance, and they have been crossed through the ages by a plethora of invading armies. Between the 19th and 20th centuries many forts and defensive works were built in northern Italy to defend those precious access points. The Austrian Empire erected about 50 forts in the Italian Tirol („Welschtirol“), which were designed to work together as a defence line but also to resist for a long time if the supplies were to be cut off. The Kingdom of Italy also build several forts to protect the border with Austria (the so-called Sbarramento Agno-Assa) and Switzerland (the so-called Linea Cadorna).



Italian Alpini lifting a cannon


When Italy declared war to Austria in May 1915, the original plan was to take advantage of the surprise and cross the mountains quickly. The lack of competence and organisation of the Italian headquarters brought the operation to failure, and gave way to attrition warfare. Military commands on both sides were obsessed by the control of  high ground, and troops were deployed on passes and summits. Sometimes the fighting took place at incredible heights, e.g. the Battle of San Matteo (3678m).

The war in the Alps took many different forms. Where possible, roads (like the Road of the 52 tunnels) were built to carry artillery and supplies with the aid of mules. In several occasions tunnels were dug under enemy positions, to put mines under them: e.g. on the 13th March 1918 an astonishing 50.000 Kg of TNT blew under the Italian lines on mount Pasubio. However, the battlefield was often too unaccessible to allow the huge deployments of men and means that were typical of WWI.  On some summits and observation points the garrisons consisted of only a few dozen men, and skirmishes between patrols took the place of massive assaults. In such conditions, the men accomplished real alpinistic exploits, and Nature was often more dangerous than the enemy: on one single night, between the 12th and 13th of December 1916, about 10.000 soldiers’s lives were taken by avalanches on the Alpine front.


Austrian Soldiers ready for a gas attack in the mountains (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek)

Austrian Soldiers ready for a gas attack in the mountains (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek)


The first „guest“ of this week is the Austrian Kaiserjäger Ludwig Pullirsch (the Kaiserjäger were a light infantry corp recruited mostly in the alpine regions of southern Austria). In a short extract from his memories he relates of an exhausting march, where he had to carry a 30 Kg backpack and climb a height difference of 1600 meters. These events took place in May 1916, on the Adamello-Presanella mountain range. Pullirsch survived the war and wrote several diaries, some extracts have been collected by his son at: http://www.menschenschreibengeschichte.at/index.php?pid=30&ihidg=13948&kid=1181. The full memories have been published under the title „Hineingeboren“, ISBN 978-3-940582-07-2.

The second „guest“ of the week is Giacomo Pesenti, an Italian Alpino (the Alpini are the oldest elite corp of mountain troops in the world. During WWI those soldiers were mostly recruited in the alpine regions of northern Italy) . Pesenti volunteered for the army in May 1915, as soon as the war broke out between Italy and Austria, and was awarded the silver medal of honour for his courage. Many years after the war he wrote his memories to pass down the legacy of those terrible events. In the selected passage he relates of a 3-days watch in a ice hole on the Thurwieser pass (3480m), together with 30 other soldiers; the cold was extreme and the enemy was hiding 50 meters below. The short extract comes from the book „La Grande Guerra in Lombardia“, by Giuseppe Magrin, and it is set between 1916 and 1917.


Austrian cabin on the verge of a cliff (Österreichische Nationalbibliotek)

Austrian cabin on the verge of a cliff (Österreichische Nationalbibliotek)


The third guest is Austrian soldier Thomas Bergner. He Fought the war on the Italian front and died in 1926, aged 38,  as a result of the wounds and illnesses contracted during the war. In 1915 he was sent to the Isonzo valley, in present-day Slovenia, and in an entry dated 20th of July he gives an account of his first day in the new positions. The artilleries were shooting and the mountain was quite hostile: falling rocks were a constant threat.

The last passage is taken from the book „Un anno sull’altipiano“, by Emilio Lussu (see episode #8). In spring 1916, while coming back from a scouting mission on the Asiago plateau (ep. #2), Lussu met an Italian colonel. The conversation between them quickly became surreal: the colonel criticised harshly the strategical decisions of Italian high commands: what was the point of defending the top of a mountain, if no artillery was there to protect the valley? The enemy could have ignored it, and advance quickly towards the south. But the high commands are the same everywhere: eventually the Austrian army lost time and men trying to get the „key position„, and lost its precious chance.



Editing: Laura Leitner, Matteo Coletta.
Commentary: Laura Leitner.

Voices in this episode: Alex Huemer as Ludwig Pullirsch,  Matteo Coletta as Giacomo Pesenti and Emilio Lussu, Roman Reischl as Thomas Bergner.


Music: Gregoire Lourme, “Fire arrows and shields
Concept: Matteo Coletta
Voices: Hannes Hochwasser, Matteo Coletta, Roman Reischl, L.J. Ounsworth, Norbert K. Hund.



Szenenwechsel Graz: Indiepartment und LeTamTam


Die Sterne, The Notwist, Crocodiles, Scout Niblett uvm. Seit 6 jahren veranstalten 6 Musikliebhaber Bands aus aller Welt um sie auf die heimischen Bühnen nach Graz zu holen. Keine Businessman, sondern alles aus reiner Leidenschaft und Interesse an der Musik. Wie das funktioniert, was Popförderdung bedeutet, und was man mit Bands schon alles erlebt hat erzählen die Burschen vom Verein Indiedepartment.


5 Jahre ist es her dass man ein Lebenszeichen von den rockigen Elektro Schraubern vom Duo LeTamTam auf Platte gehört hat. Jetzt haben sie eine Split EP  auf dem Grazer Label Willhelmshowmethemajorlabel herausgebracht. Tracks der Veränderung – musikalisch und auch menschlich. Mittlerweile sind sie teilweise Familienväter und leben wieder auf dem Land. Ebenfalls vertreten auf der EP ist Johnny Glimmer aka Martin Parrier, der vielleicht schon jetzt der würdevolle Nachfolger von LeTamTam ist, die sich eher von Veröffentlichungen verabschieden wollen.

Sendung nachhören: http://cba.fro.at/268503

War früher alles besser?

War früher das Leben für Hunde besser?

Oder schlechter? Oder einfach nur anders? Was hat sich im Bezug auf Hundehaltung und Hundeerziehung verändert? Waren Hunde früher besser erzogen oder hatte man einfach nur ganz andere Erwartungen?

Unser Umgang mit Hunden…

Karin im Studio

Im Studio der Radiofabrik

hat sich in den vergangenen 20 Jahren viel verändert – auch wenn manche Zeitgenossen das so gar nicht wahr haben wollen.

Über Veränderungen in der Herangehensweise, in den Erwartungen an unsere Hunde, über Hunde und Menschen plaudere ich in der Sendung mit Mag. Claudia Signitzer-Woral, die seit ihrer Kindheit einen Hund an ihrer Seite hat. Sie erzählt über ihre Erfahrungen in der Hundeschule, die sie  vor 30 Jahren besucht hat. Und über die Erfahrungen, die sie mit ihrer jetzigen Hündin Kyla, ihrem „Schulhund“ gemacht hat. War Spazieren gehen mit dem Hund früher einfacher? Ist man überhaupt soviel Spazieren gegangen? Und unsere Erwartungen an die Erziehung unserer Hunde, sind die nicht wesentlich höher geworden?

Hören Sie, was meine Gesprächspartner Herr Dr. Schmid und Frau Mag. Signitzer-Woral zu sagen haben – wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Natürlich gibt es auch wieder Musik in der Sendung, bei der es ebenfalls um Hunde geht. Mit von der Partie sind diesmal unter anderem Marc Knopfler und Freddie Fender.


„In der Nacht hat man uns noch 30 gefangene Serben gebracht…“

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Stimmen aus den Schutzengräben #9 is dedicated to prisoners of war. More than 7 million soldiers were held prisoners during WWI. Many civilians were imprisoned as well, to be kept as hostages. The treatment of captive soldiers was disciplined by the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 (see episode #5). Here follows a selection of interesting articles:

„Prisoners of war are in the power of the hostile Government, but not in that of the individuals or corps who captured them. They must be humanely treated. All their personal belongings, except arms, horses, and military papers remain their property.“ (Art. 4)

„The Government into whose hands prisoners of war have fallen is bound to maintain them. Failing a special agreement between the belligerents, prisoners of war shall be treated as regards food, quarters, and clothing, on the same footing as the troops of the Government which has captured them.“ (Art. 7)

„Work done for the State shall be paid for according to the tariffs in force for soldiers of the national army employed on similar tasks. “ (Art. 6)

„Officers taken prisoners may receive, if necessary, the full pay allowed them in this position by their country’s regulations, the amount to be repaid by their Government.“ (Art. 17)

Austro-hungarian prisoners in Russia, 1915. Rare colour picture taken by Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky (Wikipedia)

Austro-hungarian prisoners in Russia, 1915. Rare colour picture taken by Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky (Wikipedia)

The turn of events, however, prevented often from applying the Convention, especially in the Central Empires where the food was scarce and mostly sent to the frontline. The death rate among prisoners could vary a lot. The hardest conditions were suffered from the prisoners held in Russia, of which 25% died of sickness, starving, cold and fatigue. In Germany, despite the food shortage, the fatalities amounted to 5%.

The first „guest“ of the week is Carl Schmidt (see episode #8). His letter, written on the 28 October 1915, is not always clear. It is sure that, in the night between the 27th and the 28th, 30 Serbian prisoners were brought to him while he was sleeping in a pigsty. He affirms that he massed all the Serbians „one on top of each other“ in a pigsty where normally 4 German soldiers would barely fit. He then adds that he „would have ordered the pigs to be shoot down, if they hadn’t been already registered by the battalion“. Does he mean the animals, or the prisoners? Unsettling question…A transcription of Carl Schimdt’s letters is available at: http://www.europeana1914-1918.eu/de/contributions/436.

inglesi prigionieri

British soldiers captured by the Germans,1918 (http://www.vlib.us/)

The second „guest“ Is Carlo Pokrajac, soldier of the Austro-Hungarian army. He was born in Istria, a region that was under Austrian control at the time, and today belongs to Croatia. In the beginning of the 20th century both Slavic and Italian families inhabited the region, that is why his diary is written in Italian. Pokrajac was taken prisoner in July 1915 while fighting the Russians on the eastern front. He had been drafted only 90 days before, and spent the rest of the war in captivity. In the selected passage of his diary he writes about his capture and his first impressions of the Russians. The enemies, he says, were not so terrible as they were depicted by the propaganda, and they took care of all the wounded regardless of their nationality. Longer extracts of his diary are available at: http://www.grandeguerra.ccm.it/scheda_archivio.php?goto_id=1219.

The third „guest“ is Charles Guilbert, a French cavalryman. On the 15th of October 1915 he was wounded and captured in a German ambush. The Germans took care of his wounds and gave him something to eat and drink, then they brought him in a stable. Suddenly French artillery shells and mashinegun bullets started falling all around, and the Germans left. The next day, Guilbert found out that he was left alone, and eventually a British patrol rescued him. His memories are available at: http://ppognant.online.fr/G141802.html.



Editing: Laura Leitner, Matteo Coletta.
Commentary: David Leberbauer.

Voices in this episode: David Leberbauer as Carl Schmidt,  Matteo Coletta as Carlo Pokrajac und Charles Guilbert.


Music: Gregoire Lourme, “Fire arrows and shields
Concept: Matteo Coletta
Voices: Hannes Hochwasser, Matteo Coletta, Roman Reischl, L.J. Ounsworth, Norbert K. Hund.



Von jetzt bis zum Ende

Hallo Leute,


bald ist Arbeit schwänzen angesagt. Ab 8.9. drück ich wieder die Schulbank.

Aber vorher gibts ein paar neue Infos von der Radiofabrik.

Unsere Feuerzeuge sind bald zu haben und hier ist noch mal ein Foto zur Erinnerung:



Wärs noch nicht gewusst hat, wir haben eine Sendung namens „Kinderradio – Salzburgs Radio von, für & mit Kids“.

Wenn sich jemand dafür interessiert, seit heute ist ein neuer Blog (blog.radiofabrik.at/kinderradio) online und Sticker soll es auch bald geben.

Also wär Lust hat mit mir und anderen Lesern WordPress- oder Design-Tipps auszutauschen, meldet euch =)

Ich wünsch euch eine schöne Zeit und Daumen drücken für die Berufsschule!


BaBa Laura



Zurück aus der Sommerpause – Toi-Art und Herbstprogramm

„So A Theater“ meldet sich aus der Sommerpause zurück, denn im Toihaus herrscht schon wieder reger Betrieb. Kaum ist der Sommer vorbei wird schon wieder am neuen Programm getüftelt und das hat diesmal wieder so einiges zu bieten: In der kommenden Saison stehen neben Abendstücken, Theater für Kinder, Gastspielen und Workshops noch eine Menge anderer Dinge auf dem Programm: Im Dezember feiert das Toihaus sein 30jähriges Jubiläum, das Projekt „Tanzwut“ wird weitergeführt und auch das BIMBAM-Festival, das internationale Theaterfestival für Kinder findet wieder statt.

Ihr hört in der heutigen Ausgabe von So A Theater eine kleine Vorschau auf die kommenden Stücke im Herbst, Anfang Oktober geht es gleich mit den ersten Produktionen los. Ihr erfahrt heute etwas über ‚Licht und Schatten‘, eine Tanz und Musikperformance – hier setzt sich Katharina Schrott genau mit diesem Thema auseinander: Wie stehen Licht und Dunkelheit sich gegenüber und was spiegeln diese beiden Gegensätze wieder? Dann begibt sich das Toihaus wieder mal auf Besuch in die Residenzgalerie und spielt: „Toiart im Museum“. Und dann hört ihr noch etwas über „T.B.A“, einer Performance, die nur mit Musik und Sprache arbeitet, entwickelt von Hüseyin Evirgen. Alles dazu in der erstem September-Ausgabe von „So A Theater“.