Category: TV / Entertainment & Arts:
„Nahsehen-Fernsehen“, Brigitte Vasicek, Karin Bruns, DORFTV
„Kultmagazin“, Ines Hickmann, Sara Wichelhaus, Katharina, FS1
(ex aequo)
Category: TV / Access & Empowerment:
„maiz TV“, Maia Benashvili, DORFTV
Category: Radio / Entertainment & Arts:
„Arbeit süss-sauer“, Berufsschule BS HFKL, ORANGE
Category: Radio / Access & Empowerment:
„Grrrls on Air – Female Pressure Radio“, Rosa Danner, Elisabeth Günther, ORANGE
Starting Friday 8th, 21h with Open End: The legendary „Civilmedia Party“.
This Year: Hot Sounds by „Klub 77 DJ Team“
Thanks to Syl Meder & Possies, this will be fun!
Category: TV / Entertainment & Arts
„Delete TV“, Michael Murnau, OKTO
„Architekturfestival Akku“, Andrea Seidling, OKTO
„Kultmagazin“, Ines Hickmann, Sara Wichelhaus, Katharina Maier, FS1
„Nahsehen-Fernsehen – TV TV TV“, Brigitte Vasicek, Karin Bruns, DORFTV
Category: TV / Access & Empowerment
„NA (JA) Genau“, Ernst Tradinik, OKTO
„Latino TV Austria“, Andres Pena, OKTO
„maiz TV“, Maia Benashvili, DORFTV
„Attac Aktionsakademie Steyr“, AktionsAkademie Attac Österreich, DORFTV
Category: Radio / Entertainment & Arts
„Bloomiade“, Shenja von Mannstein, ORANGE
„Fussball ohne Augenlicht“, Prmin Styrnol, Anja Krämer, Niliz Gül, ORANGE
„Arbeit süss-sauer“, Berufsschule BS HFKL, ORANGE
„Am Kehrricht pfeift der Rattenchor – Artarium“, Norbert K.Hund, Christopher Schmall, RADIOFABRIK
„Unique Radio 27.1.2015“, Sarah Emler, Kristina Huck, Stavros Hölbling, ORANGE
„Kulturton 20.3.2014“, Juliane Nagiller, FREIRAD
Category: Radio / Access & Empowerment
„Wörtlich“, Max Winter, ORANGE
„Entweder – Oder“, Elisabeth Rieser, Martha Schweissgut, RADIOFABRIK
„Reflections of an Economic Migrant“, Maria-Fe Ortner, RADIOFABRIK
„Grrrls on Air – Female Pressure Radio“, Rosa Danner, Elisabeth Günther, ORANGE
„Pangea Lingua“, Erika Preisel, FRS SALKAMMERGUT
Congratulations to all Nominees, it was a pleasure to watch or listen to your productions.
The winners will be announced in the CIVILMEDIA AWARD SHOW 2015 at the second Day of Civilmedia unconference on the 8th of May in Salzburg.
Dear Friends & Partners of Civilmedia,
After announcing our necessary policy change concerning registration fees yesterday, we got a fast reaction from Nico Carpentier (Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Free University of Brussels).
I´m thankfully happy to announce today: „University of Brussels – Cyprus Community Media Research Programme“ is sponsoring Civilmedia instead of VFROE.
So we can roll back any registration fees, Civilmedia will happen financially free same as in the years before!
Holy shit, it´s great to have such great supporters, thanks to Nico, you made our day!
And thanks to some of you as well, who accepted contributions to the conference: This is a strong commitment for the goals of Community Media and especially for this event.
So again: CU you all in Salzburg in May
Alf Altendorf, in the name of the Civilmedia Team
Dear Friends & Partners of Civilmedia,
Unluckily we had to change our policy for the Civilmedia registration. The (Un)Conference is not free anymore, we have to charge €200,- per participating organization.
Let us explain the reasons for our decision:
– the event has expenditures of ~€ 8.000,- (tech, catering, rents for main venue etc.). This is cheap, and is only possible through not calculating most of the working hours of the organizers Radiofabrik /FS1 & the support of the University of Salzburg (free second venues). And – most important – for not paying YOU for YOUR work as a presenter, jury member and so on.
– our fund raising brought in € 4.500,- so far from financial partners (RTR, Politische Bildung), including other supports we raised ~€5.000,-. VFRÖ quitted this year cause of financial troubles, the country of Salzburg has not decided yet (and positive decisions are uncertain cause of financial problems as well btw.), so what to do?
– We tried to be creative. Charges, Ok, but…
1) we like to offer as much support as possible to reduce costs for participation (Example: Our Couchsurfing offer).
We think, that charging single, personal participants would be the wrong way to go. So we thought: a better way is to charge your organizations, who profit most in know-how, exchange, networking.
2) Compared to similar events, our fee is fair. Most conferences we know (and also visit) charge much more per participant. We only charge once per organization, the number of participants you send in is up to you.
Thanks for your understanding, see ya guys in Salzburg in May!
Alf Altendorf, in the name of the Civilmedia Team
Great! The category “Arts & Entertainment” of our Civilmedia Award 2015 is now endowed with EUR 250,- per prize. This was possible in cooperation with the Dachverband Salzburger Kulturstätten
Thanks so much in the name of all applicants!
We are happy that the category „Access & Empowerment“ of our Civilmedia Award 2015 is now endowed with EUR 500,- per prize.
This was possible in cooperation with the City of Salzburg – Offices for Integration & Disabled People.
We are extremely happy to announce this, and thanks in the name of all applicants!
Please use #civilmedia15 for tweets about the Civilmedia-Unconference. We will have a twitter wall at the main venue to feature your feedbacks.
CU in Salzburg
Der CIVILMEDIA AWARD ist der 2015 erstmalig zu vergebende Preis für Produktionen der österreichischen Community Medien in Radio & TV. Verliehen wird er im Rahmen der Civilmedia am 8.5.2015 in Salzburg.
Mehr Informationen und die Unterlagen zur Einreichung auf der CIVILMEDIA AWARD 2015-Page