Music and My Religion – FNTOME im August 2012

Muslim HipHop, Christenrock, Halal Music
Jesus, Muhammad und die Sieben Sünden

Was gibts noch ausser Kirchenmusik und Muezzin?

Frau Nowak auf der Suche nach der Religion im Pop.

Mit: Kanye West, Mos Def, Khalil Ismail, Amir Sulaiman, Nick Cave uvm…

And whose Sheep are you?



Wann und Wo?

 Mittwoch 22. August 2012  – 18:00 – Radio Tide Hamburg & im Onlinestream

 Montag 27. August 2012 – 20:00 – Radio Fro Linz & im Onlinestream

 Freitag 31. August 2012  20:0o Radiofabrik Salzburg & im Onlinestream

8th of March with Welcome to Salzburg

Today, 8th of March, is international Women’s day. It is a day to celebrate the Women’s rights movement and all the great steps forward that have been made up until today. Gender equality and breaking gender roles is NOT exclusive and are causes everyone is welcome to work and be active for. Enjoy our show where we interview Salzburg’s ÖH Frauenreferat Veronica about feminism and the exclusion of men in the march scheduled for today in Salzburg. We also have a studio guest, Simon B., who joins our discussion about positive activism within the women’s rights movement and in general. As always, we have great music to fancy your ears- Anthony and the Johnsons, Lau Nau and more. Happy day for everyone and stay tuned!